Celtic Sea Salt from Guerande France

"There must be something strangely sacred in salt. It is in our  tears and in the sea.”

Khalil Gibran

The salt of Guérande or Celtic Grey Sea Salt is a type of sea salt that is harvested by hand from the salt marshes of the Guérande peninsula, located on the Atlantic coast of France.


The salt has been produced in the region for over a thousand years and is known for its high 82 mineral content especially 3 magnesiums (Bromate, Sulphate and Chloride) which gives it a distinct flavour and texture. 


The salt is harvested during summer using traditional methods that involves flooding the salt pans with seawater and then allowing the water to evaporate naturally in the  sun and wind. This process can take several weeks, during which time the salt crystals gradually form on the surface of the water.                                                           


 The  producer of Guérande salt is IGP ( Indication geographique protegee), which means sitting in a natural reserve.  


Celtic Sea Salt is unrefined and does not contain any additives.   


Celtic Sea Salt has undergone a natural  drying process, with the help of the sun, sea and wind.






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